
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A bright day in the City of Lights...

My dearest Rose,

I am sitting at my corner cafe…croisement rue Mazarine et rue Buci…sipping a hot mint tea and enjoying the joys of being an eternal intern!

Ophelia is au boulot at the moment, and I’m counting down the minutes for her to meet me here! Too much to tell her…so in the meantime let me tell you

Firstly, Paris has NOT changed. My appréhensions were totally erroneous and there was no reason to fret. I have been able to meet up with all my wonderful Parisian friends…surprised one on her birthday (best feeling ever!)…ran into one totally by surprise on the street (thought I was hallucinating…Paris is small..but this small??)…brunched for 6 hours on Sunday (fabulous!)…bref la belle vie!

Amidst all this fun and catching up I’ve also learned that the 3 of us are not the only Eternal Interns on earth…Though it may sometimes feel that way in New York, here I realize that life is taken at a much more relaxed pace. The focus is not on rushing through life, rushing to fill the bank account and rushing to meet new and powerful people…but instead on stopping, relaxing, and finding time to appreciate every moment of life - a philosophy that I very much admire…

This admiration, this eternal love for France, le savoir-faire des Français, the class and lifestyle in Paris, has also led me to accept 2 interviews in the city…as I had mentioned to you a while ago.

Now hold on to your hats…this Eternal Intern is certainly not getting her hopes up for Eternal Employment too quickly, but I do have to say the interviews went well.

Each, however, in complete and utter contrast to the other. Both in communications/marketing. Both in the fashion/luxury industry…but one lasted 1.5 hours…the other 30 minutes!?!?! One was incredibly psychological, theoretic, almost philosophical while the other was basic facts, questions, answers. Each position, however is a dream!

One would lead to a continuation of Eternal Interning…the other frankly admitted that there were no opportunities at the moment given the economic environment but insisted I keep in strict contact in the future…On verra!

I feel so good! I feel so happy! No, I do not want to be one of those “happy people”, but here…in Paris…2 interviews behind me…wearing my ballerines…carrying my little parapluie…and sipping this mint tea…I am the epitomy of a “happy person”!

Oh wait, Ophelia is just calling…she must soon be on her way!

Big bisous Rose, I miss you tons,

F. xoxo


  1. Saw you were writing a blog whilst I was in the same cafe today. And a very good read. I saw the title and checked you out! Isn't great how you can communicate to the world whilst sipping mint tea! Hope you get positive results from the interviews.


  2. any news from the interviews?

  3. No news yet! one of them we know wont work for a while...the other we'll see. in any case, always accept interviews...even if ur not too interested in the position, it's always great practice!! i'll keep you all updated! and anonymous Mark thanks for the msg!
    Flora xoxo



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