
Monday, November 28, 2011

An Irresponsible Intern

Happy Belated Thanksgiving girls!!

How are u?! I headed down south this weekend to see my family, and I have to say I had enough Turkey to last a lifetime! I almost never thought I’d make it though! Wednesday morning I sat down with T, my intern who I have to say has turned into a real nightmare, to go over some last details for an event happening next week.

First of all, the prick gives me a ton of attitude since I asked him to come in early to ensure we get this down before the weekend.

Second, he arrives late.

Third, he comes striding in like there’s no problem at all and casually says hello to everyone in the office before coming over to impatient me waiting. Ahhhh! Already there I wanted to burst!

But wait….So he finally comes over. We start going over things…I stay calm, cool and collected…and then he has the nerve to tell me that he hasn’t finished everything yet. He says he needs the morning to go over a few things. What?!?!?! I exploded girls. The meeting room windows shook!! Every single thing I had asked him to do, he had fucked up on. From coming in on time, to getting his work done….nothing!! I would have never had the guts to do that when I was an intern.

I’ll spare you the details, but let me tell you, there’s a new Flora in the house, and this Flora won’t take any sh*t any longer!

T. the intern in fact spent Friday at the office finishing everything off as expected. Yes, this Friday after Thanksgiving T. had to learn his lesson and not taking his work, responsibilities and me for granted!


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