
Sunday, May 16, 2010

An Inspirational Encounter

Dearest Interns!

How are you? I'm writing you a quick morning note before heading out to Pain Quotidien for my weekly Sunday brunch. I'm dying for a cafe au lait right now!!

I've had a wonderful weekend so far, enjoying NY spring weather! Last night in fact a few friends threw a rooftop party in a brownstone up in the high 90s on the UWS. I hadn't had a Corona in ages, and it served as the perfect "apero" on such a nice and sunny day!

I started talking with old friends I hadn't seen in a while...what they were doing now...what their plans were for the future... Doctors, lawyers, bankers...there was a bit of everything (a very typical NY crowd!)... The one person who caught my attention, however, was the boyfriend of a fabulous girlfriend, who, despite a great job in advertising and fabulous benefits, had decided to start afresh and start his own business.

His idea was interesting, original and kinda catchy! And he spoke about it without reserve and with immense passion! It was contagious! Absolutely and utterly contagious. Of course, for now, he's keeping his full time job as back up for the financing of this "entrepreneurial gig", but perhaps long term should this venture work out, he could ultimately be following his passion full-time! What a dream!

I listened to him like a kid in a candy shop...This new adventure he's embarking on sounds so tempting, so fantastic! I've always dreamed to have my own business and have worked on a number of little projects, but it always seems so "impossible"... Listening to Cs boyfriend made it for once seem so "real" and "attainable".

This said, however, Flora's gotta keep her feet on the ground for a bit! As tempting as his professional plans are, and as much as I would like to forget the job search, find an investor, get tons of capital and begin a fabulously successful business...haha...I realize that it's just not possible for me right now! One step at a time... What this guy proved to me, however, is that everything is possible! It's never ever ever too late to start something new...

Perhaps one day this Eternal Intern could really try her hand at starting her own business? Perhaps one day...

Stay tuned tomorrow for more from The Eternal Intern

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