
Friday, December 4, 2009

High heels don't hurt...they can help!


Ophelia you may be interned out…Rose you may be interviewed out…but girls, Flora’s adventure is just beginning to pick up again! Hooraa!!

Remember that sassy, ab-fab cocktail I went to Saturday night? The incredible contacts I met? That perfect follow-up regimen I followed? Well, it was either the Sergio Rossi heels I sported or my sublime etiquette and manner, but I got a calllll-backkkkk!!!!!

Yesterday, right after I messaged you girls I realized I had a voicemail and to my surprise the “you have 1 new message” was from…OMG…a certain Sofia!!! Why the OMG? Well, OMG galore since Sofia is simply the Director of Communications at one of the greatest luxury power houses out there!!! And OMG galore since Sofia simply wrote me the kindest email possible! OMG because Sofia actually wanted to meet with me last night! Can I say a little ahhhhhhhhh!

So, I met her - yes I did. She decided a low-key drink at Bemelman’s would be nice since we both live in the UES. I got to the bar a little early sporting a little black dress (Micheal Kors I love you!) and again trying out the high heeled look (the joy and excitement overshadowed any pain my toes were feeling!)…And then she appeared! I know I’m sounding a little crazy, but she is just so perfect in every sense! So casually, simply, elegantly perfect! A veritable vision of where and how I would like to be/look 15 years from now…an inspiration!

We spoke over cocktails. It was casual and relaxed. She told me her story, I told her mine. And then the shocker came!

Sofia really likes me. She likes my story; my style; my experience and basically…on the spot…5 days after having met her…announces she wants me to work with her, in her team, in her department, in NY, in the US!!! Aaaaahhh!! She understands the visa qualms, understands my situation and understands that an internship at her power house is exactly what I need. Yes, it is an internship…not Eternal Employment…but an internship is just perfect for the moment!

Amazed, in shock, feeling a slight pinch in my narrow heels I thanked her!

Biensur I am taking this offer in strides. The visa qualms could be an issue, but she has ensured me that she would do everything in her power to secure me legal work authorization.

We will see what happens next. You know I’ll keep you posted, for now though girls I’m headed down to Miami for Art Basel…a weekend of fun ahead! D. is coming too…perhaps some good news for her as well?

Besitos chicas y hasta prontisimo con buenas noticias! Lo quiero!

Flora. xoxo

Phot credit:

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