
Monday, May 2, 2011

If At First You Don't Succeed, Try Try Again

Hey ladies,

Flora, I can't believe that there is such a thing as a pregnant intern.  As an eternal intern, I would never ever ever think that that would be OK with my bosses.  That would be career over for me!  I wouldn't be an eternal intern at my age if I wasn't serious about my career, and therefore I don't even know what to say about your intern's situation.

And Ophelia,  I would move!  Living in the same building as your boss is just NOT OK!  Period!

A quickie update:  I am no longer with that USC student, still an eternal intern working on set for pennies, a little burnt from falling asleep by the pool this weekend - still generally broke, but generally loving life.

As you both know, I had finished my first script a couple of months back and with much hope submitted it to a few indie script competitions.  Well, I have received 2 rejections now and I was starting to feel really down.  What gets me through the days of being an eternal intern is to know that I am doing everything in my power to network and advance my career on the side.  I haven't given up on my script, but I have decided to be proactive and so I have decided to make my first short film.  I wrote it a few weeks ago and have finally decided to set aside a portion of my ridiculous intern paycheck a month to save up for a semi-decent camera to shoot.  It will be written by, directed by, and starring yours truly!  Stay tuned on progress.



P.S.  Can you guys believe it is May already?!?!!?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's SO exciting!! What a brave thing to do, but the payoff will be huge I'm sure! Can't wait to read more about it, and eventually see it hopefully :) I always say, dream big or don't at all!



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